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Let Us Manage Your
Revenue Cycle ?

Quality Control System

We offer quality control system.

Professional Staff

We have a highly professional staff.

What we do

Our Services

Demo & Patient registration

Patient demographic and registration details are core data for any Clinics or hospitals. It is very important to make sure correct details are entered and same is invoiced/billed insurance post encounter.

Eligibility & Benefits verification

It is vital part of RMC. To reduce the denial rate and increase the collection, provider make sure Eligibility and benefit is thoroughly verified before providing services.


There are many services that requires prior authorization before providing the services. Exceptions are emergency and some low modality services. This is very TAT driven and should be handled properly. If provider is missed to take preauthorization timely will be loss of revenue.

Medical Coding

Currently HCPCS (CPT and DX) are coded with ICD(10th revision). Correct coding is necessary to avoid coding/bundle/Incidental/medical necessity related denials. We have CPC certified coders who are expert in Medical coding.

Charge entry

Charge Entry staff should be aware of entering correct code, charge amount and other important information on claims billing to avoid the denial in future.

Billing & claims submission

Once demo, Coding and Charge entry is done and Incvoice/Claim is created. It must be billed to Insurance for payment. Claims should be submitted in timely manner to avoid timely filing denial that leads to revenue loss for provider.

What VitaHealthRCM
Do Special For You

One stop resource to manage revenue cycle cost-effectively with better efficiency.


Case Study

We are fully committed to increase collections, Reduce the cost to collect, provide insights and actionable intelligence. As healthcare evolves, our work adapts with perpetual industry change.



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Years of experience

One Stop Resource To
Manage Revenue Cycle

Partner with us, we are team of staff with cumulative 40+ years’ experience and experts in managing Revenue cycle for US healthcare providers.

Our Mission

To partner with physicians, hospitals and medical billing companies to help them achieve their business goals by providing right solutions. Our goal is to create best atmosphere for healthcare providers where they have enough time for themselves and for patients, so they give best treatment to patients. We believe in statement “Happier the healthcare provider more satisfied the patient would be”. This can be achieved with our experienced staff and automation tools.